Monday, 10 March 2014

Developing My Behavioural Expectations Part II

At the moment, I am focussing on setting and maintaining high behavioural expectations by adhering to the techniques advocated by Doug Lemov in his 'Teach Like a Champion' manual for teachers.

For the last couple of weeks, I have focussed on '100%' and 'Sweat the Details' and the adjustments that I have made has already had an impact on my teaching and therefore hopefully my students' learning. Week one I was the looking at what I was starting to adjust and, in week two, I made further adjustments.

I moved onto two other techniques in 'Setting and Maintaining High Behavioural Expectations: 'What To Do' and 'Do It Again'. This post will set out what I did to adjust these techniques further.

What To Do

Give directions to students in a way that provides clear and useful guidance - enough of it to allow any student who wanted to do as asked to do so easily

In my opinion, this technique has had a profound effect on my classes, specifically my lower ability Year 9 class. Giving instructions as specific, concrete, sequential and observable really has made a huge difference with them. It has created no ambiguity when they are wondering how to act and behave in the classroom. Specifically, I have focussed this on their following of instructions; something that a number of them have had difficulty doing previously. I purchased a wireless presenter and pointer which not only allows me to move around the classroom whilst adjusting what's on the board, but also enables me to point with the laser pointer. Standing behind the class allows me to clearly see if their heads are the right way and following the board; if they are not, I can direct them to look specifically where on the board to look - not just for them to look at the board.

I have combined this with giving sequential numbered orders, sometimes printed out so there is no ambiguity over what they have to do. This also allows them to complete the work in a 'checklist manner' and they can see what they have to produce by the end of the lesson and where their learning is going. If the learning isn't learnt in a 'numbered order', this is perfectly fine as long as I explain to the students why we are missing parts of the learning/reinforcing parts of their learning.

Do It Again

When students fail to successfully complete a basic task that you've shown them how to do, doing it again and doing it right, or better, or perfectly is the best consequence

The 'Do It Again' technique has barely been used for entering the classroom as the students now understand the expectations. There is no need to repeat their entrance as they understand they will have to do it again and be sanctioned if not done properly. As well as sanctioning the individual, I have implemented the idea of non-verbal reactions to the class when using 'do it again'. For instance, when packing away, if a student from a particular row is holding their row from leaving, I will react positively to the rest of their row by praising. The individual will be singled out and sanctioned. However, after this wasn't always providing the desired outcome, I altered this slightly by adjusting my body language and non-verbal reactions to those following the 'do it again' procedures. The other students in the row following protocol would be treated with warmth, smiles and thumbs up; the individual letting the row down would be looked at sternly and eyebrows raised. In a way, it was combining the use of 'do it again' with the least invasive intervention. If the eyebrows raised and stern look would not work, then a quiet word would be required.

Any tips or advice on how I could continue to adjust/perfect these techniques would be greatly appreciated, but I will be moving onto another two techniques for the next blog post.

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